Kliver de på dig, kliver de på oss. Så har det varit i 1 år nu.

I remember everything. When your lips touched mine for the very first time, sittin' in your room on the third of february 2010. I remember how we kept it a secret, how special it felt to sneak our from the classroom and meet you somewhere else, just for a kiss.
That valentines day we walked all the way to Anneberg to get to Maxi, and then I spent my very first night with you. We've spent two valentines days together, on the second one, we went to McDonalds. 
All those times we'd sneak out of our houses and take our mopeds, even though it was freezing outside, just to sleep next to each other for a few hours, and then early in the morning head back home.
I remember how much I cried when you were going away for 7 days and I couldn't get to you 'cause I was sick. That I had a ''Feel good day'', and it made me feel worse. I remember how much I missed you those 7 days.
All those times we've taken your mopen to Maxi just before closingtime, just because we were bored. How much money we've spent on donuts and monster is beyond me.
All those times we've played cards and childgenius, and that I've cried my eyes out from joy. I remember all those times we sang ''500 miles'' by the Proclaimers and we even decided who'd sing what, we had our own part of the song.
The fact that you've made me dinner a several times and have treated me like a queen ever since we got together. The fact that it's impossible for you to be more perfect to me.

Baconpojken, Fågeln, Tussen, Tuspon, Pontus, Skatan, Steken, Bacon.

Främst av allt vill jag nämna att du är världens snällaste kille, och jag älskar dig så mycket. Jag önskar att du flyttar med mig till USA när vi blir äldre, och att du vill stanna där med mig. Vandra genom en helt främmande stad, bara du och jag. Skaffa en samojed, döpa den till Bacon och bo i ett strandhus. Jag kommer göra det varesig du följer med eller inte, men jag hoppas att du är med mig.

Det här inlägget har varit otroligt ohetrosexuellt, men det skiter jag fullständigt i idag, för nu har jag varit tillsammans med min pojk i 1 år och jag kan vara fullständigt ärlig med att jag är äckligt kär i honom.


Dra någon rolig vits för mig!

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