16 days
Tänkte göra en sån där ''30 days'' igen fast tog bort en massa för jag kommer inte orka göra alla, så det blev 16 st. Såååååååå börjar väl nu då
Day 1 - One person I admire
Day 2 - 15 short facts about me
Day 3 - 5 different outfits
Day 4 - Top 5 of my most played songs on my iphone and why
Day 5 - How would I describe my ''Perfect life''?
Day 6 - Things I'm proud of
Day 7 - Good and Bad stuff over the last month
Da 8 - 5 celebs I think are good lookin'
Day 9 - 3 of my favorite movies of all time and why
Day 10 - Wishes
Day 11 - Goals for the week that's up ahead
Day 12 - Something/Someone I'm missing
Day 13 - My haircolors through my life
Day 14 - What does my relationsship status look like now and am I happy about that?
Day 15 - My clothes, weather and my mood right now, in pictures
Day 16 - 5 things I'm looking forward to