Ten days left.
Do you know what's so great about festivals? It's not the drinks, it's not the food, it's not even the awesome clothes. It's that you feel more alive than you have ever done before when you're dancing with strangers and sing along with the music playing so loud that you think that any second, you'd become deaf. It's that you're only a few meters from a band that you listen to when you're at home a random day. It's at a festival when the music is really alive. You feel so close to the music that you love, and you feel like you're a part of it. You're there. You're one with the music. Do you know what's so great about festivals? You become alive.
Förra året på West Coast Riot med Fridie och Skatan. Jag, Fridie, Dave King, Frugan och en random från bandet. En av de bästa dagarna i hela mitt liv. Aldrig känt mig mer levande.
Iår vill jag snacka med All time low, eller Sum41, pleeease.
Förra året på West Coast Riot med Fridie och Skatan. Jag, Fridie, Dave King, Frugan och en random från bandet. En av de bästa dagarna i hela mitt liv. Aldrig känt mig mer levande.
Iår vill jag snacka med All time low, eller Sum41, pleeease.